Wednesday, 4 December 2013



1.      State the applications of HVDC transmission system.
2.       List out the various devices used in FACTS.
3.       What is meant by STATCOM?
4.       Why high voltage is preferred for power transmission?
5.       State the advantage of EHV AC transmission system.
6.       Name some HVDC system in India.
7.       What is the electric power supply system?
8.       What is the level of voltage for HVDC transmission?
9.      State the disadvantages of HVDC transmission.
10.  Which factors affect sag in the transmission line?
a) Draw and explain the structure of modern power system including the voltage level in each
transmission levels.
b) Write short notes on SVC.
Derive expressions for sag and tension in a power conductor strung between two supports at
equal heights taking into account the wind and ice loadings also.
Explain in detail the types of FACTS controllers.
a) Draw and explain the structure of modern electric power system with various voltage levels.
b) Draw a simple model of UPFC.
Discuss various types of HVDC links. Mention any one HVDC link available in India with rating.
a) What are the advantages of high transmission voltage for the transmission of electric power?
b)  A  50  km  long  transmission  line  supplies  a  load  of  5  MVA  at  0.8  pf  lagging  at  33  kV.  The
efficiency of transmission is 90 %. Calculate the volume of Al conductor required for the line
when 3-phase, 3 wire system is used. The specific resistance of Al is 2.85 x 10-8 Ω-m.
a) Discuss various types of HVDC links.
b) List out the main components of a HVDC system.
Draw and explain the structure of modern power systems with typical voltage levels. What is the
highest VDH level available in India?
a) Give the advantages of HVDC transmission over HVAC transmission system.
b) Explain why the transmission of electric power is carried at high voltage. Give the reasons. (8)
10.   Compare  the  HVDC  transmission  with  EHVAC  transmission  in  the  following  respects.  (i)
Economics of transmission (ii) Reliability (iii) Technical Performance.                                 (16)
1.       State the advantages of ACSR conductors when used for overhead lines.
2.       What is skin effect?
3.       What is ACSR conductor?
4.       Mention the advantages of bundled conductors.
5.       On what factor does the skin effect depend?
6.       What is the bundling of conductors?
7.       What is meant by ‘Corona’? Mention their effects.
8.       What is meant by proximity?
9.       Define visual critical voltage.
10.   Distinguish between stranded and bundled conductors.
a) Describe the atmospheric and electrical factors affecting corona loss.
b) A three phase, 50 Hz, 220 kV transmission line consists of conductors of 2 cm diameter and
spaced equilaterally at a distance of 4 m. The line conductors have smooth surface with value of
surface irregularity factor 0.96. The barometric pressure is 73 cm of Hg and temperature of 20o
C. Determine the fair and stormy weather corona loss per km per phase.
a) Explain an expression for the loop inductance of a single phase line.
b) A single phase transmission line has two parallel conductors 3 m apart, the radius of each
conductor being 1 cm. Calculate the loop inductance per km length of the line if the material of
the conductance is (1) copper (2) steel with relative permeability of 100.
a) Derive an expression for capacitance of a 3-phase line when the conductors are symmetrically

b)  Calculate  the  capacitance  of  a  100  km  long  3-phase,  50  Hz  overhead  transmission  line
consisting  of  3  conductors  each  of  diameter  2  cm  and  spaced  2.5  m  at  the  corners  of  an
equilateral triangle.
a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of corona.
b) A 3 phase transmission line is having three conductors equilaterally spaced 6 m apart. The
diameter of each conductor is 2 cm. the air temperature is 270C and pressure is 72 cm of Hg. If
the  surface  factor  is  0.82  and  irregularity  factor  is  0.9,  find  the  critical  disruptive  and  visual
critical disruptive voltages.
Derive an expression for inductance of a 3 phase transmission line with unsymmetrical spacing.
From  the  fundamental  derive  an  expression  for  inductance  of  a  single  phase  transmission
Derive  an  expression  for  capacitance  of  a  single  phase  transmission  system  and  discuss  the
effect of earth on capacitance with suitable equation.
a) Write short note on Proximity effect.
b)  A 400 kV, 3 phase bundled conductor line with two sub-conductor per phase has a horizontal configuration as shown in figure. The radius of each sub-conductor is 1.6 cm. (1) Find the inductance per phase per km of the line (2) Compute the inductance of the line with only one conductor per phase having the same cross-sectional area of the conductor of each phase. (8)
9.       a) Derive an expression for capacitance of a single phase overhead transmission system.  (8)
b)  A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 132 kV overhead line has conductors placed in a horizontal plane 4 m apart. Conductor diameter is 2 cm. if the line length is 100 km, calculate the charging current per
phase assuming complete transposition.                                                                        (8)
10.   a) Derive the equation for capacitance of 3-phase unsymmetrically spaced overhead lines. (8)
b) Find out the capacitance of a single phase line of 30 km long consisting of two parallel wires
each 15 mm diameter and 1.5 m apart.                                                                           (8)
1.       Mention the approximate value of single impedance for overhead line.
2.       Define transmission efficiency.
3.       Draw the phasor representation of short transmission line.
4.       For controlling reactive power, what adjustment should be done in transformer present in the system?
5.       Define surge impedance.
6.       Classify transmission line based on its length.
7.       Draw the nominal π representation of a transmission line.

8.       What is the Surge Impedance Loading?
9.       What is the power circle diagram?
10.   What is the Ferranti effect?
Derive  expressions  for  regulation  and  efficiency  of  a  short  transmission  line.  Draw  required
circuit and phasor diagram.
a) Explain the classification of lines based on their length of transmission.
b) A short 3-phase transmission line with an impedance of (6+j8) Ω per phase has sending and
receiving end voltages of 120 kV and 110 kV respectively for some receiving end load at a pf of
0.9 lagging. Determine power output and sending end power factor.
3.       A short 3 phase transmission line has series line impedance per phase of (20+j50) Ω. The line delivers a load of 50 MW at 0.7 pf lag. Determine the regulation of the line and the A, B, C, D
parameters of the line. If the same load is delivered at 0.7 pf lead, determine the regulation of the line. System voltage 220 kV. (16)
4. The A, B, C, D constants of a 3 phase transmission line are A = D = 0.936+j0.016, B = 33.5 + j1.138 Ω, C = (-0.928+j901.223) x 10-6 S. The load at the receiving end is 40 MW at 220 kV with power factor at 0.86 lagging. Find the magnitude of the sending end voltage, current, power, line efficiency and the voltage regulation. Assume the magnitude of sending end voltage remains constant. (16)
5.       Determine the efficiency and regulation of a 3-phase, 100 km, 50 Hz transmission line delivering 20 MW at a power factor of 0.8 pf lagging and 66 kV to a balanced load. The conductors are of copper, each having resistance 0.1 Ω / km, and 1.5 cm outside dia, spaced equilaterally 2 m
between centers. Use nominal T method.                                                                       (16)
6. A three phase 5 km long transmission line having resistance of 0.5 Ω/km and inductance of 1.76 mH/km is delivering power at 0.8 pf lagging. The receiving end voltage is 32 kV. If the supply end voltage is 33 kV, 50 Hz, find line current, regulation and efficiency of the transmission line. (16)
7.       A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 100 km long overhead line has the following line constants: resistance per phase per km = 0.153 Ω, inductance per phase per km = 1.21 mH, capacitance per phase per km
= 0.00958 μF. The line supplies a load of 20 MW at 0.9 pf lagging at a line voltage of 110 kV at
the receiving end. Use nominal π representation; calculate sending end voltage, current, power
factor, regulation and efficiency.
a) What is Ferranti effect? Explain them with phasor diagram.
b) A 50 Hz, 3 phase transmission line 30 km long has a total series impedance of (40+j125) Ω and
shunt admittance of 10-3  S. The load is 50 MW at 220 kV with 0.8 pf lag. Find the sending end
voltage, current and power factor. Use nominal π method.
A  15  km  long  overhead  line  delivers  5  MW  at  11  kV  at  0.8  pf  lag  line  loss  is  12%  of  power
delivered.  Line  inductance  is  1.1  mH  per  km  per  phase.  Find  the  sending  end  Voltage  and
a) Explain the surge impedance loading with respect to an overhead transmission line.
b) Explain the end condenser method for medium transmission line.
                                                                             INSULATORS AND CABLES
1.       What is necessity of grading of an underground cable?
2.       Draw the equivalent circuit of a cable.
3.       Define string efficiency.
4.       Why the potential distribution across the string units of insulator is not uniform?
5.       State the advantages of polymeric insulators over porcelain insulators.
6.       Show that insulation resistance of cable is inversely proportional to its length.
7.       Name any four insulating material used for making underground cable.
8.       What are the various methods of improving string efficiency?
9.       Give the classification of cable for single and three phase service with operating voltages.
10.   Write down the expression for insulation resistance of a single core cable.
a) Explain with suitable sketch, pin type and suspension type insulators.
b) A string of eight suspension insulators is to be fitted with a grading ring. If the pin to earth capacitances is all equal to C, find the values of line to pin capacitances that would give a uniform voltage distribution over the string. (8)
2. a) Prove that the ratio of voltage gradient with and without intersheath will be 2/(1+α), when there is only one layer of intersheath. (Ratio of intersheath radius to core radius = outer sheath radius to intersheath radius = α). (8)
b) A single core cable has a conductor of diameter 3 cm and inside diameter of lead sheath is 6 cm. If the cable is designed for operating voltage of 33 kV (line to neutral), find
(1) Maximum and minimum values of electric stress
(2) Optimal value of conductor radius for the smallest value of the maximum stress.          (8)
3.       In a 33 kV overhead line, there are three units in the string of insulators. If the capacitance between each insulator pin and earth is 11% of self capacitance of each insulator, find the distribution of voltage over 3 insulators and string efficiency. Draw the equivalent circuit. (16)
4.       A single core cable of conductor diameter 2 cm and lead sheaths of diameter 3.1 cm and 4.2 cm
are introduced between the core and lead sheath. If the maximum stress in the layers is the
same, find the voltages on the inter sheath.
Elaborate the various methods to improve the string efficiency.
What is grading of cables? Describe two methods.
An insulator string for 66 kV line has 4  discs. The  shunt capacitance between each joint and
metal work is 10 % of the capacitance of each disc. Find the voltage across the different discs
and string efficiency.
a) With a neat sketch explain the construction of pin type insulator.
b) Compare power transmission using overhead line and underground cable.
                         9. Define ‘string efficiency’ and calculate its value for a string of three insulator units if the          capacitance of each unit to earth and line be 20% and 5% of the self capacitance of the unit. (16)
10.   A 66 kV, single core metal sheathed cable is to be graded by means of a metallic inter sheath. Calculate the diameter of the inter sheath and the voltage at which it must be maintained in
order to obtain minimum overall diameter. The maximum voltage gradient at which the insulating material can be worked is 60 kV/cm. Derive the formula used. (16)
1.       How will you select an ideal location for a distribution substation?
2.       State the advantages of ring main distribution system over radial system.
3.       List out the disadvantages of single bus scheme.
4.       What is the role of circuit breaker in power system?
5.       Write down the difference between disconnector switch and isolator.
6.       Based on what criteria the substation bus schemes are chosen.
7.       Name the factor that should be taken care of while designing and erecting a sub-station.
8.       Give the different type of the bus-bar arrangement used in sub-stations.
9.       What is the interconnect system?
10.   List the type of sub-stations.
What are the various methods of neutral grounding? Elaborate any two.
Describe the following substation bus schemes with suitable diagram.
a.    Double bus with double breaker.
b.   Double bus with single breaker.
Explain the following connection schemes of distribution system.
Radial system.
Inter connected system.
Describe any four types of substation bus schemes.
Discuss   and   compare   Radial   and   Ring   main   distribution   system.   What
is   the
interconnectors in distribution system?
Explain the following:
Neutral grounding.
Resistance grounding.
Explain with neat diagram any two bus-bar arrangements used in sub-station.
Explain the following substation bus schemes.
a.    Double bus with double breaker.
Main and transfer bus.
                       9.   a) With neat diagrams explain the different types of bus bar arrangements used in substations.
b) With neat layout and schematic connection explain the pole mounted sub-station. (8)
10. a) Explain the various systems of ac distribution.                                                 (8)
b) Explain the ring main system of distribution with interconnector. What is the purpose of interconnector? (8)

















































Anna University Results Nov Dec 2013 UG Results 2014 for 1st,3rd,5th,7th Semester

Anna University Results Nov Dec 2013 UG Results 2014 for 1st,3rd,5th,7th Semester   Nov Dec 2013 UG Anna University  Exams  Results 201...